Missed Call Alert
Never miss a lead: Receive emails with caller details for every missed call.

Stay on top of every call with our complimentary Missed Call Alerts service for your eLandline numbers. Whether a call goes unanswered due to engagement, or there's a hiccup with the line it's directed to, we've got you covered.
Immediate Notifications, No Matter What
- Comprehensive Alerts: Whether the call was unanswered, engaged, or there was a fault diverting to your line, you'll be notified.
- Instant Email Notifications: Receive alerts directly to one or multiple email addresses immediately after a missed call concludes.
- Mobile App Push Notifications: Get real-time push notifications through our mobile app, ensuring you're informed even when on another call.
Stay Informed, Always
Missed a call because the caller didn’t leave a voicemail? You’ll still get an alert. Each email notification provides the caller's number (unless withheld) and the number they dialled, empowering you to follow up promptly.
Flexibility at Your Fingertips
- Customisable Settings: Activate or deactivate missed call alerts directly from your voicemail settings, tailoring the service to your needs.
- Easy Setup: Configure missed call alerts for your numbers via our online control panel or simply reach out to our customer services.
Missed call alerts ensure you’re always just a step behind your next big opportunity, ready to connect and engage. Don’t let potential queries slip through the cracks—stay alerted and ready to respond.
Curious about integrating missed call alerts into your business communication strategy? Contact us or set up through the online control panel and transform how you manage missed calls today.